When it’s time to move, you’re either one of two types of people: you carefully organize and pack all items pristinely, or you haphazardly throw things in a box. Which type of person are you? Hopefully you’re an organized person, as this will make the whole moving process much easier on yourself and your movers.
Not only will this cut down on the chance for damage, it will ensure the least stressful experience as you move from one place to another. If you can’t devote the patience and time to packing yourself, ask your residential movers to do it for you.
No matter how you pack, there are certain things you shouldn’t be putting on the moving truck. Here’s a look at those items. It’s best to just take them with you in your own vehicle.

Financial And Personal Records
No matter how much you trust your movers, you shouldn’t hand over important financial or personal documents due to the chance they could get lost or compromised. Even reputable moving companies will suggest you take those in your own car. These documents include bank statements, retirement account statements, credit card statements, birth certificates, medical records, and passports.
Live Plants
Houseplants are living things and need to be cared for as such. They are very fragile and can get stressed out during a move. When not transported properly, they could die. It’s best for the plants if you just give them away locally prior to moving, or leave them for the new owner. If this is not possible, transport them in your personal vehicle. Wrap them in blankets and secure them so they don’t tip during the ride.
Take them out as soon as you arrive and try not to let them sit in the car overnight, as they could wilt and then die.
Family Heirlooms
From grandma’s ashes to precious vases, pack these invaluable items separately and don’t put them on the moving truck. If you’re not sure, ask yourself if the item is irreplaceable and worth more than money to you. If so, take it with you.
Ask Your Movers
If you’re unsure about what to pack on the truck or not, just ask your moving company. They should be able to provide you with some guidelines on what they will and won’t take. In general, movers won’t take things that are flammable or combustible. For instance, they will transport your lawn mower but they will ask that you remove the gas first.
Packing is a big part of a successful move. For a smooth relocation, make a plan beforehand and ask questions. Take your time packing and make room in your personal vehicle for those iffy items.
Contact Good Neighbors Moving Company
Need help with packing or moving? We are the ones to call. Just reach out to us for a free quote on your move by residential movers who know how to safely transport delicate items.